Most Unique Gender Reveal Idea: Skydiving

Most Unique Gender Reveal Idea: Skydiving

Senior Mortgage Broker
Wes Gregg
Published on October 5, 2017

Most Unique Gender Reveal Idea: Skydiving

I wanted to do something that hasn't ever quite been done before, at least nothing I've seen so far by way on Youtube. I am aware of and I'm sure you are too of several gender reveals that involve Skydiving..

However, all the ones I've seen involved someone who's never actually made a Skydive before. They were riding front seat with an instructor who was controlling the Skydive. Although there's nothing at all wrong with doing a tandem, all of these gender reveals were all lacking something very, very important to my wife and I.. You see we just had to find out the gender together. If we couldn't see each others reactions and be together during the reveal, we weren't in. This posed somewhat of a unique problem. How would we along with all of our family and friends be able to find out the gender of our baby together?

Follow me on this jump and find out the gender of our first born.

Senior Mortgage Broker
Wes Gregg Senior Mortgage Broker
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