Mortgage Insurance NOW permanently cheaper for FHA Loans 💰🏠

Mortgage Insurance NOW permanently cheaper for FHA Loans 💰🏠

Senior Mortgage Broker
Wes Gregg
Published on April 17, 2023

Mortgage Insurance NOW permanently cheaper for FHA Loans 💰🏠

Mortgage Insurance is now permanently cheaper for FHA Loans. 💰🏠
Your credit score doesn't have to be perfect to get decent Mortgage Insurance. In fact it doesn't factor into the calculation of Mortgage Insurance whatsoever for FHA Loans. Many Lender’s also consider a 660 FICO score to be perfect in regards to a credit score. In contrast, Conventional Loans factor Mortgage Insurance rates based on your credit score and downpayment.

Senior Mortgage Broker
Wes Gregg Senior Mortgage Broker
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(817) 781-9392